Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wasting The Days Away

I've fallen into this weird, horrible sleeping schedule, where I don't go to bed until 3 or 4 am, and wake up in the late afternoon the next day. Last night, I was telling my fiance that we need to get to bed, and when I saw that it was 2 am, thought 'huh, that's early! good!'. The sadness of the situation hit me suddenly. Oh how depressing, and what a waste of these free days. Soon enough, I'll be looking back on my freedom with 'fondness' and wondering why I squandered it.

I woke up this afternoon feeling a bit like crap, and generally like a bit of a failure in life. Spending your days in sweatpants, eating like crap is not good for the ego I suppose. We're eating mostly macaroni, because we're poor. Luckily, I love myself some macaroni, and Ryan makes awesome mac n' cheese, by melting in a few cheese slices before tossing the milk and random orange powder in. Then we top it off with a pinch of white pepper, and voila... cheap yummy meal. The line from that Barenaked Ladies song rings so true: 'we wouldn't have to eat kraft dinner! .... but we would, anyways!'

As much as I like KD, this way of life is really wearing down. Yesterday, we didn't really do anything, my only accomplishment of the day was that I warmed up some epanadas bought at the grocery store, and wrapped one lone Christmas present. And then watched a LOT of TV and surfed a LOT of internet. I've decided that today (... this evening) is the day to turn it around, so I'm going to force us to go to bed earlier, get up earlier tomorrow, brush my hair, put real person clothes on, and then make myself 'do stuff'.

So that's the plan, we'll see how it goes? Wish me luck! I'm off to help fiance with the dishes.

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