Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just Another Ordinary Day

Today was one of those days, where I wanted to be anywhere but at work. My heart was not it in. I was threatened with legal action twice. That is actually a good day, believe it or not! I will say this; since we have been laid off, me and my coworkers have gotten to talking more, mostly about non-work related stuff. I have gotten to know so many more people, and learned so much about those I call friends. So I guess this could be considered a silver lining?

Some of the conversations we have are priceless. Laugh out Loud, abdomen-hurting priceless. Being at work after being laid off is almost like everyone being drunk at work - personalities change, and people are much, much more laid back. They're also more likely to offer information about themselves they may not have otherwise revealed. Inhibitions decrease, and we do have a good amount of fun, when we aren't busy doing the job we hate, or thinking about the 'future'.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened, we all went about our business, and I was sleepy for most of the day. I spent a significant amount of time staring out the window to my right, it has an amazing view.

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